Chronically Iconic Club offers biweekly support groups (suggested donation $5-$10 per group), and your support makes a difference.

We're flipping the script on what it means to be sick.

Chronically Iconic Club is an online support community for individuals living with chronic illness and chronic pain, co-founded by Brianne Latthitham, Career Self-Advocacy Strategist of For Higher Coaching, and Luna Wildflower, Professor of Human Communication and Mystic.

Our Mission

To build a safe, supportive and BADASS community that fosters connection, visibility, and empowerment for those living with often invisible, chronic health conditions and chronic pain.

Our Why

We live in an ableist society. Our world was not built for the chronically ill, yet nearly 60% of adult Americans live with a chronic illness and/or disability. Chronic illness is lonely. Chronic illness is isolating. And we're sick and tired (literally) of hiding, so we decided to flip the script.


Our Story

Having both spent many years living with chronic invisible illnesses and feeling like none of their able-bodied friends or family could truly understand what they were going through, when Brianne and Luna met in 2019, they immediately bonded over their shared experience.

Recognizing their deep longing for connection to others living with chronic illness and chronic pain, and unsatisfied with the support offerings available in Los Angeles, they decided to create their own, and Chronically Iconic Club was born.

Your Support Makes a Difference

While these groups are provided freely to ensure accessibility, we are now accepting pay-what-you can donations (suggested group donation: $5-$10) so this team of Icons can continue to widen Chronically Iconic Club's reach and impact across the United States and Canada.

Funds will be used to help us fulfill our vision to grow our community by hosting in-person retreats and workshops with a dual focus on holistic, embodiment-based healing and professional empowerment.

To donate via Venmo, click here.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Disclaimer: Chronically Iconic Club is a peer-led support group. We offer compassion, community support, & space holding for individuals living with chronic illness and chronic pain. Chronically Iconic Club is not therapy, does not substitute for therapy, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. Chronically Iconic Club is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by mental, medical, or legal professionals. We advise if you are seeking medical advice, please contact a professional. If you need immediate medical attention or crisis support, please call 9-1-1 or 9-8-8 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.